Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Time Fun!!

Sprinkler Time!!

McKenna Jean enjoying the nice warm weather
Baby Girl loves her Daddy

Mason washing his new trike he got for his birthday

Mommy's Little Man
Yep! That's right! Those are big boy underwear you see =) Mase has been
doing SOO well with potty training. We still do diapers at nap and bedtime (which are usually still dry when he wakes up) and he's only had a few accidents in the past week and a half.
We are so proud of him!!

Giving Rylee some loves

Never to young for some wiffle ball!
Mason wanted to give Kenna a ride on his new trike....

And one last ride before bed time...
Here is a good picture of Mason's 'nice smile'...real nice =)

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!!

We can't even believe that Mason is 2 already!! It just doesn't even seem possible! For Mason's birthday dinner he wanted a cheeseburger so we went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries, planned on going to ice cream but after dinner Mason did not want ice cream, he wanted to go home and open what the birthday boy wants...the birthday boy gets, and that is exactly what we did =)

Happy 2nd Birthday Little Man!
Loved his squirt gun =)
Hungry Girl waiting patiently for some fries
Birthday Boy got to have a drink of soda...okay make a few drinks =)
So Handsome!
Mason showing off his 'big boy bites'
Present time!!
So excited about his new BBQ...

This year instead of having a big party, we decided to go camping at Lyons Ferry with Gramma and Papa B, Auntie Amanda, Uncle Dylan, Uncle Brenden, Great Grandma Donna, Great Grandpa Virgil, Aunt Loretta, Uncle Jacob, Katelyn, Nelson, Aiden, Allen, Carol, Jim, Lisa and Katy. (I think I got everyone =) ) We had cake and Mason opened some presents on Saturday (all the pictures are on Papa's camera so we'll have to post those later...), Daddy got to take his new boat out and do a little fishing, we played in the river, and did lots of visiting.

McKenna slammin' her Monster before our road trip to Lyons Ferry
(Mason's new BBQ all put together)
Splish! Splash!

Mason and Great Grandma Donna

Mase takin' Aiden's tractor for a spin =)
McKenna Jean trying out Mommy's chair from when I was little....SO CUTE!!

Taking Max for a walk =)
Mommy and Mason doing a little cat fishin'
Mason's first boat ride!!

Daddy and Uncle Dylan pulling Jim into the marina =)
I love you baby girl!!

Proud Auntie Manda