Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Okay, I know I said I would try to keep this blog updated and so far, I'm kind of slacking. These are pictures from our trip to Conrad over Labor Day weekend.
This was Mason's first long (6 hour) car ride and he did great. He slept the whole way! :)
Mason meeting Great Grandma Kovatch for the very first time.
Mase all ready to go on our walk to get Great Grandpa.
Mason and Great Grandpa Kovatch :)
Hangin' with the boys. Mase with Grandpa and Great Grandpa.
Snoozin' on the couch with Uncle Max.
Mom and Grandma Kathy trying real hard to get Mason to smile for the camera.
Sleepin' again on the way home. It was a busy weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Future Baseball Star!

"You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living, but you gotta have a lot of little boy in you, too."
~Roy Campanella

Monday, September 14, 2009

Big Day at the Kovatch House!

Mr. Mason rolled over for the very first time tonight! : ) Now we can't keep him on his tummy!

Smiles : )

Well, as crazy as it seems Mason will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. I know people always tell you to enjoy every second of this time because it goes by fast and boy, they sure weren't kidding!

Mason is starting to smile more and more each day and today I spent just about all afternoon trying to catch one on camera...I did get a couple of him smiling but also caught some pretty cute pictures as well.

Photo Shoot

Just a couple pictures from our little photo shoot this weekend.

The day our lives changed forever...

. Mason Michael Kovatch .
. July 28, 2009 . 11:58am .
. 7lbs 13oz . 20in .

. Mason and Daddy .

. Mason and Mommy .