Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend 2011

McKenna LOVES the grass =)
"No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry.
God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with."
-- Kirsten, age 10

This picture below pretty much captures what a
day at the Kovatch house looks like anymore
=) CHAOS!!!
Daddy loves his baby girl!

Mase helping Daddy and Papa dig up plants for
us to take home
Kenna is pretty serious about this cracker
eatin' business =)
Mommy and McKenna

This and That

Yay! Finally some sunshine!! =)

Happy Girl!

Haha! Supermodel in the making!

Went to check on Mason at nap time a few weeks ago
and this is how I found him...
Kenna Jean spendin' some time in the Johnny Jump up...
trying to burn some fat off those thighs =)...

...Just to fill em back up again!!
"Tenna Jean yub me!" -Mason

Sweet Sweet Dreamin'

Dirt, Dirt and MORE Dirt!

I think it's safe to say after shoveling/raking two dump truck
loads of dirt yesterday, Ryan and I are both sore!



(Since I took this picture, plants have been planted, and hopefully
we'll have bark down by the end of the week =)!)

Mason the Big Helper!

McKenna just hanging out playing like a

big girl while Mommy, Daddy and Mason

move dirt



Dig! Dig! Dig!

And of course, gotta play catch with Daddy

from the top of the dirt pile