Tuesday, September 21, 2010

June - September in a nutshell =)

We had a big party for Mason the weekend after his birthday, but celebrated on his actual birthday as well. Auntie Manda, Uncle Dylan, Kasey, Luke, Mommy and Daddy were there. We had speghetti and Mommy made him a birthday cake to go on the celebrate plate. =)

One of Mase's favorite places to play...the kitchen cabinets!
Daddy and Mase with their shades, ready for our walk to the park
Mommy and Mason =)
Fun day of swimming at Gramma and Grampas house!

So sleepy!
Little man LOVES his watermelon!
Hanging out in the front yard after helping Daddy mow the lawn.
Splish! Splash! Mason's takin' a bath! =)

All cleaned up and ready for bed after playing in the dirt while camping this last weekend.